RF4-STAT - Fishing Catch Statistics in the game Russian Fishing 4

Fish search

Sampling period: d h Tackle type: Region:
The amount of fish caught grouped by location and fish with selected parameters: Sampling period: 1 d; Location: Norwegian Sea; Bait: !Natural Squid - 23 - 02
Location Fish Records count Max weight
Order by:
Records count or Fish & weight
Norwegian Sea
Cusk Records count: 5 Max weight: 28 897 g
Norwegian Sea
Atlantic cod Records count: 5 Max weight: 60 906 g
Norwegian Sea
Opah Records count: 4 Max weight: 61 858 g
Norwegian Sea
Beaked redfish Records count: 3 Max weight: 5 573 g
Norwegian Sea
Longhead dab Records count: 3 Max weight: 3 182 g
Norwegian Sea
Greenland shark Records count: 3 Max weight: 582 806 g
Norwegian Sea
Northern wolffish Records count: 3 Max weight: 13 846 g
Norwegian Sea
Spotted wolffish Records count: 3 Max weight: 17 493 g
Norwegian Sea
Porbeagle Records count: 3 Max weight: 110 898 g
Norwegian Sea
European squid Records count: 2 Max weight: 2 774 g
Norwegian Sea
Spiny dogfish Records count: 2 Max weight: 9 645 g
Norwegian Sea
European hake Records count: 2 Max weight: 11 452 g
Norwegian Sea
Small redfish Records count: 2 Max weight: 3 426 g
Norwegian Sea
Saithe Records count: 2 Max weight: 23 524 g
Norwegian Sea
Swordfish Records count: 1 Max weight: 71 902 g
Norwegian Sea
Black ruff Records count: 1 Max weight: 19 156 g
Norwegian Sea
Basking shark Records count: 1 Max weight: 733 072 g
Norwegian Sea
European chimaera Records count: 1 Max weight: 338 g
Norwegian Sea
Icelandic scallop Records count: 1 Max weight: 204 g
Norwegian Sea
Atlantic footballfish Records count: 1 Max weight: 5 758 g
Norwegian Sea
European Angler Records count: 1 Max weight: 16 846 g
Norwegian Sea
Common ling Records count: 1 Max weight: 26 024 g
Norwegian Sea
Shorthorn sculpin Records count: 1 Max weight: 3 392 g
Norwegian Sea
Whiting Records count: 1 Max weight: 4 295 g
Norwegian Sea
Blue ling Records count: 1 Max weight: 30 816 g
Norwegian Sea
Atlantic wreckfish Records count: 1 Max weight: 63 031 g
Norwegian Sea
Atlantic redfish Records count: 1 Max weight: 6 188 g
Norwegian Sea
Atlantic bluefin tuna Records count: 1 Max weight: 33 096 g