RF4-STAT - Fishing Catch Statistics in the game Russian Fishing 4

Fish search

Sampling period: d h Tackle type: Region:
The amount of fish caught grouped by location and fish with selected parameters: Sampling period: 1 d; Location: Yama River; Tackle type: UL; Bait: !Spiker #2 016
Location Fish Records count Max weight
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Records count or Fish & weight
Yama River
Siberian Char Loach Records count: 12 Max weight: 41 g
Yama River
Ugui Records count: 5 Max weight: 990 g
Yama River
Mongolian redfin Records count: 4 Max weight: 2 674 g
Yama River
Chinook Salmon Records count: 4 Max weight: 39 885 g
Yama River
Blunt-snouted lenok Records count: 3 Max weight: 1 915 g
Yama River
Neiva Records count: 3 Max weight: 763 g
Yama River
Masu Records count: 3 Max weight: 2 194 g
Yama River
Masu sedentary Records count: 3 Max weight: 1 950 g
Yama River
Sharp-snouted Lenok Records count: 2 Max weight: 3 510 g
Yama River
Pink Salmon Records count: 2 Max weight: 3 289 g
Yama River
Dolly Varden Trout Records count: 2 Max weight: 5 604 g
Yama River
Round Whitefish Records count: 2 Max weight: 364 g
Yama River
Chum Salmon Records count: 2 Max weight: 5 943 g
Yama River
Whitespotted Char Records count: 2 Max weight: 5 221 g
Yama River
East Siberian Grayling Records count: 2 Max weight: 1 172 g
Yama River
Kamchatkan Rainbow Trout Records count: 1 Max weight: 5 481 g
Yama River
Coho Salmon Records count: 1 Max weight: 1 880 g
Yama River
s Char
Records count: 1 Max weight: 238 g